Museum Grade HUGE 14" Parnell Canyon, WY - Petrified BEECH Wood Round!

Regular price $368.00

This huge slab is taken from the second largest petrified log I've ever seen come from this location. I'd seen some large slivers in the past that made me suspect that these highly collectible beech specimens might achieve diameters up to 1 1/2 feet or so, but I have never even heard of one being found this large. A short log of this material came to us through the Beck collection which we have prepared in our shop and we are finally able to show off this amazing find! It's uncommon to find much of anything beyond pepper trees and the occasional palm in most of the vast Eden Valley petrified forest, but this remote dig site located on the edge of this vast petrified forest has produced one of those rare exceptions! The thick rays and diffuse porous pores within the growth rings are consistent with modern beech trunks. The spots found in the cross section suggest the tree had died and fallen with insect invasions prior to being petrified. The highly weathered and visually appealing, intricate shape of the rind makes it a truly museum grade slab. This and the size of other pieces found in the deposit suggests that this may well have been about as large as these trees could grow before the environment won out and they were toppled. It's virtually perfectly preserved and flawless through the entire, thick, nicely shaped specimen. We polished this highly agatized, jet black specimen to a mirror finish to produce a truly world class museum grade collectible. As I'd never even seen one of this caliber before it's safe to say you won't encounter one like this again!! And of course you know that since we prepared it, it is polished to a mirror finish to show off every detail of this ancient gem fossil. As unique and collectible as they come, this one is more than big enough to be a table top but is just as at home mounted on a wall as natural art!

This really is an absolutely museum grade petrified round cut from the center of a perfectly formed log that's got a lot of detail perfectly preserved within the log frozen inside. The wood preservation is exceptional with the most stunning wood grain you'll ever see in one of these pieces! By far the most common petrified wood specimen found in this highly prized deposit is pepperwood, a finely grained, detailed wood with unique character. I've seen some other types including cane and palm wood, but this isn't any of those! It's often misidentified as sycamore because of the highly visible rays, but close examination under magnification reveals the pore structure of beech - it's a true collectible that you may never see again! The wood is richly colored and exquisitely preserved.

This is a perfectly flat slice from the center of a huge sized log. It's been cut and polished to show off all the gemmy detail from this 50+ million year old treasure captured inside. It took a pretty awesome polish - something we strive to produce on every specimen we put our name on! The fiberous cell structure and annual rings of the wood grain are exceptional and easily studied with a hand lens.

This massive beauty is gorgeous and highly polished. It measures about 13 3/4" wide and is about 10 7/8" high. It is cut roughly 1" thick and weighs 9.7 lbs.

A nice, unique naturally wonderful stone collectible exclusively from Sticks-in-Stones Lapidary